The Spot – Art & Design


Description / Rules

The Spot is an inclusive and collaborative educational platform for creatives. We have an extensive resource library of tools and learning material, a podcast where we talk to creative professionals, and more! Before engaging in conversation we ask that you please carefully read the Rules and FAQ area below.

  1. Remain respectful and inclusive to those around you. Offensive language, discrimination/hate-speech, bullying/personal attacks, witch hunts, or intentionally hurtful behavior will not be tolerated. Keep your critiquing and the way you handle feedback constructive.
  2. You must use the proper channels, and use English at all times. We are an international community which means having everything in one language allows us all to communicate with one another.
  3. Do not post or discuss any NSFW/NSFL or sensitive material. This includes but is not limited to things such as unsafe links, photosensitive epilepsy triggers, emojis, loud noises, etc.
  4. No Piracy. You may not promote, distribute, or provide access to content involving the hacking, cracking, or distribution of pirated software or stolen accounts.
  5. No Spam. This includes discord advertisements, multi-level marketing, reactions/emojis, copy + pasted messages, spam pinging or “ghost pinging” users, trolling, shitposting, or other sources of low-quality behavior.
  6. No inappropriate profile. This includes avatar, username, nickname, status, etc.
  7. No impersonating or revealing others’ personal information. This includes actively impersonating someone else and deliberately revealing private information such as emails/passwords, pictures, social media/accounts, as well as private messages.
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