Remote Hand – Remote IT Workers


Description / Rules

We’re very easy going here but we do have some rules to keep things running smoothly.

  1. Upon joining, please just say hi and introduce yourself. This is more common courtesy than anything else.
  2. No spam. Spamming the general channel is the fastest way to get yourself banned. If you have services to offer, post in the ‘hire me’ section ONLY, to a relevant channel.
  3. Do not use the ‘everyone’ tag. This is the 2nd fastest way to get banned.
  4. Do your research before asking questions. We’re very supportive and always happy to help you out, but vague questions will be subject to sarcastic answers.
  5. This is a supportive community. If a junior member needs help, please take some small time out of your day to help them, if you are able to. We were all new at this once.
  6. This server is for freelancers and remote IT workers. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve, or you see something missing that would really help you, contact a mod or admin.
  7. Job adverts should be posted in the ‘jobs’ section ONLY, to a relevant channel.
  8. We are not allowing people to post unpaid job postings. If you see someone doing this please report them.
  9. We have a HIRE ME section, where candidates are free to post their bio, portfolio and information about what role they are seeking.
  10. We also have the JOBS section, where companies and individuals are free to post their job adverts.
  11. Each section is divided into job type/category/channel (i.e. devops, developers, etc), please post your advert to the relevant one.
  12. Job offers should be descriptive and contain all relevant information about the role. „DM me if you’d like to have an extra income” is not a job offer and will be deleted.
  13. Channels starting with rss-, are rss-driven job postings, individuals and companies should not post their jobs there.

If you have any questions about these rules or any other concerns, feel free to message @genius

Thank you!

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