

Description / Rules

By using this server, you agree to the following rules:

  1. We practice the golden rule– treat others as you’d want to be treated. Be kind and supportive of one another, and respect all fellow community members. We’re all here to be frens <3
  2. Absolutely NO racism, sexism, hate speech, or harassment of any kind. OpenSea is committed to fostering a diverse community of people of all colors, shapes, and sizes, all of whom bring diverse opinions. Please respect one another’s similarities and differences.
  3. Shilling is only allowed in the #self-promotion channel, nowhere else in the server. Spamming is not allowed.
  4. Impersonations of any kind, especially those of OpenSea team members, will result in an immediate ban.
  5. OpenSea Staff will NEVER DM you. We HIGHLY recommend that you close your DMs for our server. Most scam activity will happen in your DM’s from members impersonating OpenSea staff but are not a part of the OpenSea server.
  6. Use channels for their intended purpose. Continued misuse of channels will result in time-out or banning.
  7. No NSFW or obscene content, including in gifs, PFPs, nicknames, etc., as we work to create a safe space for a family-friendly community.
  8. Do not misuse tags. Tagging all moderators will cause an auto-warning and ultimately auto-banning.
  9. If you see something, say something to the OpenSea staff. This server is to be a welcoming space!
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