

Description / Rules

CircuitBread Rules

  • This is a “be-nice” forum. We’re all working together to learn about electronics and electrical engineering. There is no place here for hate, bigotry, harassment, or politics (we realize the sad irony of needing to include this last item in the list.) If you see any violation of this, please report it to a moderator.
  • We are all learning and at different points in our progress. Please do not insult others for where they are in their progress – we all started from the same place, knowing nothing. The reverse is true. If someone is using their time to help you, please respect them and their time. They’re not here to do your work for you but to help you overcome problems and gain insights.
  • When helping others, avoid giving direct answers to questions where possible and instead try to give explanations that explain the “WHY” of an answer.
  • This is a platform for all ages so absolutely no NSFW content or strong language. When in doubt, don’t.

⁃ Got a cool product that you think will help people? Great! Feel free to bring it up, if it makes sense. However, this isn’t an advertising platform, please make sure that you are clear in your intentions and that it’s truly applicable. If it’s not, the moderators will likely take it down.

  • We’re learning as well as all of you, so we may change or tweak these rules over time. Moderators are imperfect human beings but they’re good people doing their best. So despite their imperfections, they will retain their godlike power in having the authority to ban users if there are violations to the explicit rules or any actions that degrade the helpful, safe environment we are trying to establish. It will also be up to the moderators to use other warnings or punishments as they see fit.
  • With all the annoying stuff out of the way, have fun! We hope you enjoy the passion of like-minded individuals who want to learn and geek out on electronics and electrical engineering stuff.
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